Toggle JavaScript:启用和禁止javascript下载
Toggle JavaScript是一款可以快速启用或者禁用javascript的谷歌浏览器插件。
Enable or disable JavaScript without the hassle.
Toggle JavaScript provides a simple, easy-to-access browser button to enable or disable JavaScript globally. Obviously Chrome allows you to do this, but the setting is a pain to access if you are a developer using it often.
- global JavaScript master switch
- reloads pages reliably when disabling JavaScript
More Info:
There are similar extensions that enable or disable JavaScript per-domain, but I find that this over-complicates things a bit so I decided to build a JavaScript "master switch".
Also, similar extensions can cause pages to be rendered incorrectly when they are automatically reloaded after disabling JavaScript. I have found a way around this so that pages will reload reliably.
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