Tabman Tabs Manager:快速标签切换下载
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Tabman Tabs Manager是一款可以帮助用户在多个标签中快速选择出自己需要的标签的chrome插件。
Faster navigation between Chrome tabs
Faster navigation between multiple chrome tabs.
View all your open tabs in a beautiful list.
### ver 0.9.11: Fixed keyboard commands bug.
### ver 0.9.7: Fixed new tabs order issue when opened new tabs.
### ver 0.9.6: Many bugs that appeared due to changes in latest versions of Google Chrome were fixed. Please note Scroll-to-switch tab is only working in "docked window" mode.
- Open tabs filtering (searching), based on its title or its URL address.
- Super quick tabs navigation using the mouse wheel scroll, when Tabman is open and your cursor is over its window.
- Tabs switching using keyboard's UP and DOWN keys! (when Tabman is open).
- Drag items to reorder your open tabs.
Tabman is extremely useful when having many open tabs. It enables to easily navigate between endless amount of open tabs, so you don't need to change your browsing behavior.
Once using Tabman, Chrome will never be the same without it!
* To switch tabs using the mouse wheel, Tabman should be opened and the mouse cursor should be on its window/popup dialog.