Super Simple Highlighter:高亮标记网页下载

CINDY 0人评论 分类:Chrome辅助功能插件
摘要 : Super Simple Highlighter是一款可以帮助用户给网页上的内容打上高亮标记的谷歌浏览器插件,可以帮助用户标记出网页上的重点内容。
Super Simple Highlighter:高亮标记网页

Super Simple Highlighter:高亮标记网页下载

插件大小:379KiB 插件版本:3.10.0 支持语言:English, English (UK) 更新日期:2024-04-29 下载次数:2459 来自:Chrome商店
4分 4分 卡巴斯基 百度杀毒 已安全认证




Super Simple Highlighter是一款可以帮助用户给网页上的内容打上高亮标记的谷歌浏览器插件,可以帮助用户标记出网页上的重点内容。


Defines & remembers highlights made to text on websites

NB: THIS EXTENSION *DOES* SUPPORT KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS - It's integrated into Chrome's 'Extensions' page at the bottom of the main 'Settings' page, under 'Keyboard shortcuts'. There's nothing I can do to automate access to it. Also, it DOES NOT (current) SYNC across devices. Your highlights remain stored on the device you made them on. If you uninstall chrome, you lose the highlights. Please keep this in mind.

This is an extension that can highlight selected blocks of text on a webpage, and attempt to restore them on each visit. It is version 3 of my old extension 'Simple Highlighter', rewritten from the ground up to remove all the stuff that no one used, or had stopped working. Most importantly, it's maintainable.

To use, simply select some text, and choose the highlight style to apply from the context menu (right button click). To alter or remove an applied style, place the pointer over it, and right click. Applied highlights should (fingers crossed) reappear when the page is reloaded. Depending on the page design, this may not be possible, so please check beforehand (eg: refresh the page and see if it works).

Existing highlights are shown in a popup window, which is opened by clicking on the marker pen icon in the address bar. If it's not visible, Chrome may have hidden it in the main menu, so check there (and right click on it to keep it in the address bar).

The extension's options page allows management of highlight styles & shortcuts, and the URLs of pages containing highlights.

NB: This extension stores the URL of each page that contains highlights, and the text within these highlights. This data is NOT synced across your other copies of Chrome. It is ONLY stored on your specific computer. It is also NOT encrypted. Sensitive information should NOT be associated with it. Please keep this in mind. Also, it is NOT compatible with highlights from version 2. Highlights made in the old version will NOT be accessible in the new version. You can install both at the same time (though it's not advisable).

"Promotional Image (Highlighter)" ( by Marie Coleman ( is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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