谷歌浏览器最新版Google Chrome v77.0.3865.75 正式版发布

发布时间: 编辑:CINDY 0人评论 14931次浏览 谷歌浏览器
摘要 : 谷歌浏览器最新版Google Chrome v77.0.3865.75 正式版发布

谷歌浏览器Google Chrome稳定版迎来v77首个版本发布,详细版本号为v77.0.3865.75,上一个正式版v76.0.3809.132发布于8月27日,时隔15天Google又发布了新版Chrome浏览器,本次升级主要是更新了安全修复和稳定性改进及用户体验。

谷歌浏览器最新版Google Chrome v77.0.3865.75 正式版发布

谷歌浏览器v76正式版隐藏了浏览器地址栏中的http/https和www前缀标记,默认在所有网站上阻止Adobe Flash,用户可以重新启用Flash,但只能在单击到播放模式下使用Flash,同时还会出现一个警告,即Chrome在2020年12月之后将不支持Flash播放器。Adobe也将从2021年起停止支持Flash,所以这个更改是相当明智的。

谷歌浏览器v75正式版主要为桌面和网页开发者引入了几项新功能和软件增强。其中在“隐私和安全”设置中新增了用于管理安全密钥的选项,并支持Scroll Snap Stop来改进手势导航。

谷歌浏览器v74正式版增加了两个关键功能:对网页和操作系统级集成的减速支持浏览器将获得Windows 10的原生黑暗模式。这比集成浏览器外壳更深入,如果从相应PC的Windows操作系统中的应用程序样式中选择暗黑模式,浏览器现在将自动适应它。



[$TBD][999311] Critical CVE-2019-5870: Use-after-free in media. Reported by Guang Gong of Alpha Team, Qihoo 360 on 2019-08-29
[$7500][990570] High CVE-2019-5871: Heap overflow in Skia. Reported by Anonymous on 2019-08-03
[$3000][981492] High CVE-2019-5872: Use-after-free in Mojo. Reported by Zhe Jin(金哲),Luyao Liu(刘路遥) from Chengdu Security Response
Center of Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd on 2019-07-05
[$3000][989497] High CVE-2019-5873: URL bar spoofing on iOS. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2019-07-31
[$3000][989797] High CVE-2019-5874: External URIs may trigger other browsers. Reported by James Lee (@Windowsrcer) on 2019-08-01
[$2000][979443] High CVE-2019-5875: URL bar spoof via download redirect. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2019-06-28
[$TBD][997190] High CVE-2019-5876: Use-after-free in media. Reported by Man Yue Mo of Semmle Security Research Team on 2019-08-23
[$TBD][999310] High CVE-2019-5877: Out-of-bounds access in V8. Reported by Guang Gong of Alpha Team, Qihoo 360 on 2019-08-29
[$TBD][1000217] High CVE-2019-5878: Use-after-free in V8. Reported by Guang Gong of Alpha Team, Qihoo 360 on 2019-09-03
[$3000][986043] Medium CVE-2019-5879: Extension can bypass same origin policy. Reported by Jinseo Kim on 2019-07-20
[$2000][831725] Medium CVE-2019-5880: SameSite cookie bypass. Reported by Jun Kokatsu (@shhnjk) on 2018-04-11
[$2000][980816] Medium CVE-2019-5881: Arbitrary read in SwiftShader. Reported by Zhe Jin(金哲),Luyao Liu(刘路遥) from Chengdu Security Response
Center of Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd on 2019-07-03
[$1000][868846] Medium CVE-2019-13659: URL spoof. Reported by Lnyas Zhang on 2018-07-30
[$1000][882363] Medium CVE-2019-13660: Full screen notification overlap. Reported by Wenxu Wu (@ma7h1as) of Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab on 2018-09-10
[$1000][882812] Medium CVE-2019-13661: Full screen notification spoof. Reported by Wenxu Wu (@ma7h1as) of Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab on 2018-09-11
[$1000][967780] Medium CVE-2019-13662: CSP bypass. Reported by David Erceg on 2019-05-28
[$500][863661] Medium CVE-2019-13663: IDN spoof. Reported by Lnyas Zhang on 2018-07-14
[$500][915538] Medium CVE-2019-13664: CSRF bypass. Reported by thomas "zemnmez" shadwell on 2018-12-16
[$500][959640] Medium CVE-2019-13665: Multiple file download protection bypass. Reported by Jun Kokatsu, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2019-05-05
[$500][960305] Medium CVE-2019-13666: Side channel using storage size estimate. Reported by Tom Van Goethem from imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven on 2019-05-07
[$500][973056] Medium CVE-2019-13667: URI bar spoof when using external app URIs. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2019-06-11
[$500][986393] Medium CVE-2019-13668: Global window leak via console. Reported by David Erceg on 2019-07-22
[$N/A][968451] Medium CVE-2019-13669: HTTP authentication spoof. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2019-05-30
[$N/A][980891] Medium CVE-2019-13670: V8 memory corruption in regex. Reported by Guang Gong of Alpha Team, Qihoo 360 on 2019-07-03
[$TBD][696454] Medium CVE-2019-13671: Dialog box fails to show origin. Reported by xisigr of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab on 2017-02-27
[$TBD][997925] Medium CVE-2019-13673: Cross-origin information leak using devtools. Reported by David Erceg on 2019-08-26
[$500][896533] Low CVE-2019-13674: IDN spoofing. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2018-10-18
[$500][929578] Low CVE-2019-13675: Extensions can be disabled by trailing slash. Reported by Jun Kokatsu, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2019-02-07
[$TBD][875178] Low CVE-2019-13676: Google URI shown for certificate warning. Reported by Wenxu Wu (@ma7h1as) of Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab on 2018-08-17
[$TBD][939108] Low CVE-2019-13677: Chrome web store origin needs to be isolated. Reported by Jun Kokatsu, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2019-03-06
[$TBD][946633] Low CVE-2019-13678: Download dialog spoofing. Reported by Ronni Skansing on 2019-03-27
[$TBD][968914] Low CVE-2019-13679: User gesture needed for printing. Reported by Conrad Irwin, Superhuman on 2019-05-31
[$TBD][969684] Low CVE-2019-13680: IP address spoofing to servers. Reported by Thijs Alkemade from Computest on 2019-06-03
[$TBD][970378] Low CVE-2019-13681: Bypass on download restrictions. Reported by David Erceg on 2019-06-04
[$TBD][971917] Low CVE-2019-13682: Site isolation bypass. Reported by Jun Kokatsu, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2019-06-07
[$TBD][987502] Low CVE-2019-13683: Exceptions leaked by devtools. Reported by David Erceg on 2019-07-25
[1002279] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives

Google Chrome 稳定版 离线安装包 官方本地下载地址:

1、Google Chrome v77.0.3865.75 无更新功能版 64位

2、Google Chrome v77.0.3865.75 无更新功能版 32位

3、Google Chrome v77.0.3865.75 Mac版

Google Chrome 官方带更新功能版 网盘:



谷歌Google Chrome 66稳定版更新发布公告

谷歌Google Chrome 66稳定版更新发布公告

0 人评论 23366 次人浏览 4.0分 4.0 分
2018年5月9日Google发布了Chrome 66稳定版维护更新,最新版本号为v66.0.3359.170,目前已经面向Linux、Mac和Windows三大平台开放,重点修复了一些非常严重的安全问题。

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