Automatically find and apply coupon codes when you shop online!
Stop searching for coupon codes and sales.
Click on the Honey button during checkout and Honey will automatically apply coupon codes to your shopping cart.
Click on the Honey button on a supported online store and instantly see all the coupons and sales available for the store.
Help us keep Honey working on all your favorite stores. If you have any trouble email us at info@joinhoney.com
We currently support shopping sites in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and India as well as sites that serve global customers.
By using this add-on, you agree to the Honey Terms & Conditions available at http://www.joinhoney.com/terms
This extension uses Google Analytics to collect extension usage statistics to help improve user experience. If you want to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, please visit http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout or you can set up a filter in Adblock Plus or similar ad blocker tools like AdBlock or Adblock Pro.