Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(由 Google 提供)

发布时间: 编辑:CINDY 0人评论 4381次浏览 Chrome博客插件
摘要 : 自动在 Google 文档查看器中预览 PDF、PowerPoint 演示文稿和其他文档。

Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(由 Google 提供) Chrome插件官方简介

自动在 Google 文档查看器中预览 PDF、PowerPoint 演示文稿和其他文档。

Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(由 Google 提供) Chrome插件图片

Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(由 Google 提供)图片

Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(由 Google 提供) Chrome插件logo

Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(由 Google 提供)logo图片

Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(由 Google 提供) Chrome插件官方教程

The "Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer" extension is now obsolete - we recommend trying Google‘s "Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides" extension instead:

By clicking on a link for a supported document format you‘ll be taken to the Google Docs Viewer. No more downloading large files and launching another application just to view it.

The Google Docs Viewer does not work on files that require a log-in to view, but you can make it ignore specific domains in the options so you will still download the file.

On the options page you can also disable any file formats you don‘t want to use the Viewer for.

Please note that Chrome now has a PDF viewer which is separate from this plugin. If you prefer to use Google Docs to view PDFs then you can enable that in the options.

Updated to Chrome Extension manifest v2

Disable MutationObserver usage as a memory leak exists in it. Thanks for the reports users!

When available use new Mutation Observers to detect updates to the page. This is more efficient than the existing Mutation Events, and creates less burden on the browser.

Fix Option Saving Bug
Add Zip, Rar types

Removed context menu options to ‘View File in New Window‘ and incognito window as these required extra permission to all page data. View File in New Tab should hopefully be good enough and it doesn‘t require those permissions.

Replaced the context menu with a chrome api version. Requires the ‘contextMenus‘ permission.

Bug fix where new formats didn‘t show as auto-enabled in the Options panel

Added new formats:

Works on DOM changes made to a page after it‘s loaded.

Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(由 Google 提供)下载地址

点击下载Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(由 Google 提供)



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